Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

My preliminary coursework was extremely basic 
compared to my real product.
The colours weren't set correctly to match and there wasn't a great theme going 
on throughout my front page and contents.
I used magnetic lasso in my preliminary which I did not continue on to use in my full product.
This tool was frustrating as it never seemed to really cut out images well and therefore my image was somewhat poor.

My font was basic and boring to look at, it wasn't eye-catching in any way whereas in my final project I used a variety of fonts, fonts that were appealing to the eye and ones that stood out.
The way I positioned my text on my preliminary task poor and unprofessional. It's just straight across the top of the page, very ordinary and common, although I have done the same in my final product, it looks much much better as I have used good style font and it is looks 
rather professional.

I have produced a double page spread which I did not do for my preliminary so that was a new experience for me.
My preliminary just doesn't cut it and as you can clearly see, comparing it to my final product, I have indeed made progression throughout the preliminary task to my final product.

My preliminary doesn't contain the key features that a magazine has, such as; barcode, price, date etc. this is extremely unprofessional and would never be distributed!
The photography is dull and lifeless, nothing interesting doing on, the only vibrant colour is from the lipstick!
The pose isn't positioned well at all and it is very boring and unimaginative.

In comparison to my final product, my preliminary was very dull and unappealing whereas my final product was vibrant and successful.


As you can see my preliminary is extremely poor.
The colour for the background isn't accurate on both pages.
My picture seems to be highlighted round the edges which looks weird.
I just have simple font and simple colours.
My contents page doesn't had any headlines breaking up the stories such as News, Features etc. which I have in my final project.
As you can also tell, I have copied and pasted a picture of macbooks instead of taking my own which is very unprofessional of me.

Final Project:

This is my final!
You can see how far I have come since I produced my awful preliminary.
This just looks like a real magazine.
I used a barcode and price and date, I also included an issue number.

I am really proud of my final outcome, the colours are matching, the pictures are of excellent quality.
It just all fits in and works well together.

I think I have progressed more than I thought I ever could. I now know how to use photoshop properly and all the different functions I can use to produce an excellent piece of work, before I did not know of all the different uses photoshop could bring me.
Looking at both my preliminary and final I am extremely pleased with how far I have come and what I could produce, my final has great potential I think and unlike my preliminary it is radiant and alluring.

I have learnt a lot from this project and it really shows through my final three pieces.

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